Head'n North: San Gabriel Foothills to the Willamette Valley

We moved on the warmest year of our planets recorded history.  The smoke in the air was evidence of this on almost my entire drive up here.  Pretty alarming to think about what we have done to our beautiful planet in a couple hundred years.

Haze in the air

It has been many years since I lived in Oregon.  I received my Architectural degree from the University of Oregon.  I then lived in Portland for a decade before moving to Claremont, California.  My daughters' formative years were split between the two cities and I believe they have many fond memories for both. My first memories of Oregon (arriving from Hawaii) are of bone chilling mornings and the incessant gray dome uber alles.  However, this El Nino year will provide a nice transition back to the great Northwest.  Hmmm,.... maybe at this alarming warming rate we should all think about heading to Fairbanks.